
My favorite season

Hello, everyone. This is my typing home work, and the topic is My favorite season. Which season do you like?

I am not good at cold weather and hot weather, so I like spring or autumn. Of course, summer and winter have many good points, and I think that we who live in Japan who very lucky, because Japan has beautiful four seasons. Each season has good points and beautiful view like spring’s sakura, summer’s green, autumn’s colored leaves, winter’s snow. I feel that 1 year has come around soon. I like autumn, because my birthday is November. I am glad to come my birthday now, but if I will 25 years old, I will sad, because I am older than now. Japanese did anything events in the year, but we are not Christian. I think that it common season and food. It means the food has good season to eat in my mind like ice cream is good in summer, a dish cooked in a pot at the table is great in winter .

That’s all today. Thank you for reading : )!!
183 words/ 6,861 words

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Asuka.

    I agree with you that spring is the best season in a year in Japan. It makes us so happy and feel bright future.

