
My favorite book

Hello, everyone. This is my typing homework, and the topic is my favorite book. Do you like reading?

 I like reading, so I always reading books when I was a elementary school student to junior high school student. I love reading still now, but I don’t have a time to read. However, I can meet new books which I have never read as assignments of my classes. That is good for me, they told me new world which I didn’t know. I have read books which were written by famous writers, so I know that the books must be interesting, because the books are loved around the world still today. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice which was written by Jane Austen. I have read the book as an assignment of English literary survey, and that is interesting for me, because there were many knowledge about Britain’s life at that time, so I could know what I didn’t know. The story was a love story, but the love was very difficult to end with happiness. I want to read other works of Jane.

And I didn't know that Pride and Prejudice became a movie, and the actress who played the heroine in the movie is my favorite actress. She is so beautiful. I want to watch the movie soon.

 I have enjoyed reading comic books these days, and I have read One Piece now. That is very famous comic books all over the world, so you have already heard at least once. I have rented them from my friend Sakura who is in Eibei, and now I had finished reading 39, so I want to read next story as soon as possible. If you have known about what is happens in next story, you don't tell me that. I don't want to know, I want to read!

 That's all. Thank you for reading : )
324 words/ 10,892 words

Test. Test! Test!!

Good evening, everyone.

I want to write about my life these days, but I have a exam which of Listening class so I have to study hard. I don’t like any exam, and there are nobody loves all exams maybe. Anyway, I have to study, so I don’t have a time to write my blog. However, this work is my assignment, too. It is too hard for me to do everything, but everyone have done, so I have to try same to you, right? I have known that, but I don’t have any news or interesting things to write. I am always glad to giving some comments to my blog, because they who give me a comment had read my boring blog. I always want to say “Thank you”. I want to read blogs of everyone, but I don’t know how to open the blog rink page, so if you have a time, please tell me about how to do it.

 That’s all. Thank you for reading today, too : )
171 words/ 10,568 words

BR2-12 Aesop's Fables

“And the moral is … Be happy with what you have.” (p.47)

Everybody knows the stories, Aesop’s Fables all over the world. The stories told us a lot of morals which we have to know. This book which I read has 7 stories, and they taught me what we have to remember in our life. As you know, all of the moral have illustrated by story, so that makes easy to understand. The tortoise and the hare is the most familiar one of Aesop’s fables in Japan, but we don’t know the man who was written them hardly. These stories started telling long time ago, so nobody knows who the first was. However, a man who lived in Greece so long ago, Aesop may write them. Also, no one knows about Aesop, but I think that he must be respect by around his people from at the time.

Watson, Carol. (2003). Aesop’s fables. Usborne: London.
155 words/ 10,397 words