
BR1-1 Rumpelstiltskin

“I want to be Queen, but I can’t spin straw into gold. No one can!”(p.12)


A father who is a vain person told a lie to a king
of his country.“My daughter can change straw into gold!!”If she couldn’t change straw into gold one night, she will be killed by the king.When she is at a loss, a small man comes and says to her.“If I spin straw into gold for you, what do you give me?”


   When I finished reading this book, I thought that if people want to dream come true, we must die something important for us to the cause of it. The man, Rumpelstiltskin is bad man like the Devil at first sight. However, is he really bad man? He always keeps his promise. I felt the daughter who doesn’t think what she does is really bad. I am careful when I promise something from now on.


The Brothers Grimm. (2006).  Rumpelstiltskin.  London:Usborne.
Book reviews
170 words/1859 words

My New Combination

Hello!! I will show you my new combination. I will introduce the pumpto. I like a pumpkin and a potato, so I chose them. It is a combination of a pumpkin and a potato. It is brown outside, and the inside is orange. You can find it in the soil like a potato. It is not expensive. It is hard, but if it boils, it becomes soft like a potato.
Thank you for reading : )
76 words/1689 words

Good morning, everyone!!

Good morning!!It is Writing class now. I was going to have breakfast, but I forgot chopsticks.I’m very very hungry now. Mr. Tomei’s class is interesting, so I like this class.If this class is not first period, I like more than now.After this class I have to run for next class, but I don’t have energy for do it.
Have a good day : )
68 words/1613 words


Introduce My Pets

Hello!!I am going to write about my pets today.I have two dogs, a female and a male.
This picture is a female, Sora that was a puppy.Sora had black far when she was born, but now she became brawn far.She loves my younger sister very very much. When my sister goes to outside,she wags her tail and jumps around. She always wants to play with my sister.

Rick is my dogs, too. He is smaller than Sora, but he is stronger than her.When we come back our home, he is always waiting for us outside even if it is on rainy day. He is really a faithful dog. This picture is Rick that was a puppy.
I will write about they with picture the latest.
Thank you for reading : )                                             137 words/1545 words