Hello, everyone. How are you doing?
Actually, I don’t have anything to write blog, so I am going to write about my part time job at last month. I’m an event staff, and I went to NHK to my job. Have you ever gone to NHK? I went to NHK at the first time, so I didn’t know where NHK is. There were many beautiful women in the NHK staff, and everyone very kind for us. My job is that taking pictures with Wanwan and Utan which are character for children of NHK. Wanwan is a dog which is white and has green ears. However, I don’t know what Utan is. Utan is so cute, and children like Utan, but I couldn’t know what Utan is until the end. Wanwan and Utan are very popular to children, so a lot of children were taking pictures with them. It is not difficult for me to take care of children, so I could enjoy my job. NHK’s TV program is so popular, and I think that everyone have watched the TV show once. Also, I was watching NHK’s program when I was a child, but I didn’t watch the program recently. I really surprised at a character which is I was watching is still there, and the children who came to NHK knew the character. I thought that it is a culture of Japan, and maybe next generation’s children will watch. Everyone who came to NHK smiled, and laughed, so I felt that it was good experience to me. I want to go an event of NHK someday, and I want to be guest at that time.

That’s all. Thank you for reading : )
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