“ 'It’s not safe here. You must leave with the children.’ ‘But my place is by your side,’ she replied.” (p.56)

What do you recall when you’re asked about Marie Antoinette? I will recall the famous word which she said ‘Then let them eat cake.’ before, but that was not her word. I was thinking that Marie was a selfish woman and she has wasteful habits, but it was not true. She has wasteful habits little, but it made not France collapse. She was a good mother and loved wife, but there were people who hate her, so her public estimation was bad. She loved her husband, Louis and their children, but her son had dead seven years old. And the Revolution was killed Louis and Marie. I was really sad, because Marie was killed kept the misunderstanding about her life. If she had not misunderstanding, she could live more. I want to be a person who don’t delude rumors and estimations.
Daynes, Katie. (2005).
Marie Antoinette. Usborne: London.
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