
My favorite motto

Hello. This is my typing homework, and the topic is My favorite motto. Do you have a motto? The motto are common all over the world.

My favorite motto is Warau kado ni wa fuku kitaru which mean is same to Fortune comes in by a merry gate. I think that we have a lot of worry and troubles, but we have to live tomorrow. That is a miracle, and it doesn’t come to everyone. No guarantee there, so I want to live with smile. I like to talk with my friends and my family. People who around us make me happy and fun, so they are so precious for me. I want to make them happy, too. Laughing makes us healthy, of course fun. I think that if I laugh loud voice when I am worry something, the worry will run away. So I want to laugh and make precious people happy.

That’s all. Thank you for reading : )!!
161 words/ 6,478 words

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