
BR1-3 The Burglar's Breakfast


I've been burgled! (p.11)
This story is that a burglar’s breakfast is stole by animals.
Cornflakes are stole by goat, and eggs are stole by fox.
Sardines are eaten by his cat, and mice change waffles into their bed.
The burglar who is stole his breakfast is ashamed of what he doing by now.
He has got a job in the STOP-A-THIEF Detective Agency, and he could arrest thieves better than someone else. Of course, he stopped theft.
I’m interested in the title of this book, The Burglar’s Breakfast.
When I finished reading this book, I became like the burglar.
Theft is not good thing, but it’s hard to hate him.
Please try to read this book.
Felicity Everett. (2002). The Burglar’s Breakfast. London:Usborne.

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