
My Treasures

This is my essay about my treasures.If you have a time, please read it.
      My treasures are my family, friends, home and school and so on. I have a lot of treasures, and my treasures will increase from now on. I am going to write about my treasures that you may not know.
              My photo album is one of my treasures. I like to take pictures, so I often took pictures when I was a high school student. When I see the pictures, I can remember a memory and a story of that time. For example, there is a picture that three girls smiling tearfully, holding hands. I took this picture at our graduation ceremony and the girls are still my friends even now. They were on the verge of tears when after the ceremony, and a friend of three girls said to us. “I don’t want to say good-bye.” When I heard it, I thought we really graduated. I can’t go back those days, but I can remember it as a good memory.
              Also, my dogs are one of my treasures. They came to my home from my older sister’s friend house when they were puppies. They were very cute, and small. I thought they look like a stuffed toy dogs, because they didn’t move. When we took a walk with my dogs, they didn’t walk at all, so my sisters carried them in her arms. Of course, they were not heavy at that time, so we can go back our home while still carrying them. However, if I take a walk and carry them now, I couldn’t come back within a day. They have become big and always want to run all the way, but they enjoy taking a walk every time. I hope that they live a long life.
              That is story about my treasures. I am going to keep my treasure all the time.
Thank you for reading.That's all today.See you next time : )
330 words/3298 words

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Asuka.

    My name is Toshi, a commentator for your blog.
    Nice to see you.

    I read about your treasures, and I can guess you have very warm heart. I hope you will keep in touch with your family, friends, and people who you will meet in future.

