
New Combination

Hello, everyone. I’m going to tell you about my new combination. I will make new combination of animals this time. My new combination is a horse across a dog, and I named this “ Magu”. A horse is “uma” in Japanese, and “uma” is read “ma” in kanji. A dog is “inu” in Japanese, and “inu” is read “gu” in kanji like a tengu. This is why I decided to an animal’s name. This animal is very big like a horse, and their sensitive are sharp like a dog. We can ride this animal, because it is very friendly to us. It will be able to do that doing dogs now. Of course, they are not dangerous, because they love eating vegetables like a horse. Children can feed them to carrots and more. I recommend you to have them from elementary school students. They are very kind, so children can take care of them easily, we can teach to students that how precious a life. If they live in real world, I want to see them. Have you already made your new combination? I want to know what you across, and the name.
That’s all. Thank you for reading : )
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