
BR1-1 Rumpelstiltskin

“I want to be Queen, but I can’t spin straw into gold. No one can!”(p.12)


A father who is a vain person told a lie to a king
of his country.“My daughter can change straw into gold!!”If she couldn’t change straw into gold one night, she will be killed by the king.When she is at a loss, a small man comes and says to her.“If I spin straw into gold for you, what do you give me?”


   When I finished reading this book, I thought that if people want to dream come true, we must die something important for us to the cause of it. The man, Rumpelstiltskin is bad man like the Devil at first sight. However, is he really bad man? He always keeps his promise. I felt the daughter who doesn’t think what she does is really bad. I am careful when I promise something from now on.


The Brothers Grimm. (2006).  Rumpelstiltskin.  London:Usborne.
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