“When I die, I want you to share my fortune equally. You must live together happily.”(p.5)

Chang lived with his three sons-Yong, Chin and Ying.
When Chang passed away, the brothers said to Ying that you can take a little money except our money. Ying is very kind boy, so he had given all of his money to poor people in his village. After he was gone out the village by his brothers, he keeping good person. When he met a monk, Ying tried to do that the monk wants to do. After all the monk gave to Ying an old straw mat, a wooden spoon and a pair of chopsticks. That are magic things. I thought that “One who is kind to others is sure to be rewarded”. Kind is good for people, and myself. It is not easy for us to keeping good person, but kind is good for you someday.
Punter, Russell. (2009).
The Magic Gifts. Usborne: London.
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