
Music I Like

Hello.This is my typing homework.I can't sent mail to Mr. Tomei with this, please someone help me!!

(( Music I Like ))
My favorite singers are JUJU, Greeeen and RADWIMPS. They are very good singer for me. I can't help living without them song. I want to go to their concert, but I don't like where a lot of people. I want to sing a song very well. I am not good at sing s song, but I love listening to song which singing other people. I like go to karaoke, so I want to go there with everyone. I especially like Sakuraame, which is JUJU's song. The song has nice music video, please check it out. I think this song is good now, because this song is about spring.
Thank you for reading : )                                                                                            
136 words/2251 words

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